Sunday 12 November 2023

'To be torn in two': a sermon for Remembrance Sunday

In Hodge Hill we now have a long-established tradition of marking Remembrance Sunday with a focus on lament, penitence and a re-commitment to the work of peace-making, in ways that resist allowing a narrow horizon of 'us and them'. Since October 7th, we have also been giving time every Sunday to grieve with the peoples of Palestine and Israel, and to light candles in prayer for peace and justice in the Holy Land (as we sing the song 'Peace, Salaam, Shalom'). This is my sermon from this morning. (Bible readings: Isaiah 2:2-5; Ephesians 2:13-22; Matthew 5:43-48.)

How do we remember, on a day like today? How do we remember, in a world the way it is today?

* * *

Of the deluge of images and opinions and stories coming out of Israel-Palestine over these last few weeks, in the midst of the overwhelming tragedy of the events continuing to unfold, one little contribution particularly drew my attention this week. It was written by Daniel Seidemann, an Israeli attorney specializing in Israeli-Palestinian relations in Jerusalem.

46 years ago, almost to the day, he was a cadet in the Israeli Defence Force officer training course. He and two other trainees, armed with M-16 assault rifles, were sent into the Jabaliya Refugee Camp in Gaza (which before the recent war began, was home to over 100,000 Palestinian people). It would be years, he writes, before he would recognize what he experienced there for what it was: the consequences of the ‘Naqba’ (the Arabic word for ‘catastrophe’), the name Palestinians give to the violent displacement and dispossession of their people in 1948, and ongoing since then.

But that was not his only formative experience that day. Coming out of the refugee camp, the three Israeli soldiers found themselves in Gaza’s British and Commonwealth war cemetery from the 1st and 2nd World Wars. Just next to the abject poverty of the refugee camp was this cemetery, meticulously maintained down to every blade of grass. ‘It was as though a sliver of Sussex had been transplanted to Gaza’, Seidemann writes.[1] An ‘oasis of calm’, as the cemetery’s website currently puts it.

Seidemann doesn’t comment further on the two experiences. He simply places them side by side for us: perhaps to notice the stark contrast between the two; and the equally stark separation, disconnection, between them. Two utterly different worlds, just a short walk apart.

How might we remember, I wonder, in a way that makes connections between those two worlds?

* * *

In the wake of what we have come to call the First World War, they called it ‘the war to end all wars’. After the genocidal Nazi holocaust exterminated millions of Jews (as well as Roma people, gay and disabled people, and others), the phrase ‘Never again’ has often been used. And yet, the war to end all wars didn’t. And ‘never again’ is, tragically, far from the truth. Our remembering, year after year, has done little or nothing to end the tragic collective sin of war and violence in our world… So what is the point of ‘remembering’ today?

There are, I think, at least four different kinds of ‘move’ we might make in our remembering, and I want to try and tease out each of them a little here now.

* * *

Firstly then, we can remember ‘our side’, ‘our fallen’. Those were the kind of phrases on the lips of the crowd – of mostly angry white men – that pushed through police cordons to get to the Cenotaph yesterday, supposedly to ‘protect’ it. Members of that crowd, called together by the dog whistles of right-wing politicians, were on camera one minute describing the 11th November as ‘our sacred day’… and the next minute hurling bottles at police officers, screaming ‘you’re not English any more’. Whatever they meant by the ‘sacredness’ of yesterday, was wrapped up in persistent, polarised division, hatred, and violence.

We’ve seen a similar kind of ‘remembering’ in many of the speeches of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s extreme right-wing Prime Minister, who has repeatedly turned to the Hebrew Scriptures to justify his policy of relentless bombing and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza, and the ongoing violent displacement from their homes of Palestinians in the West Bank by illegal settlers. Netanyahu has quoted passages from the prophet Isaiah, that we Christians turn to every Christmas, that speak of ‘the glory of the Lord rising’ like the sun scattering the darkness: “we are the people of the light, and they are the people of darkness, and light shall triumph over darkness,” he said. This kind of language, this kind of polarising is, ultimately, the language of terror. And we Christians should just pause for a moment and take a breath before we say anything, and remember that all too often Christians like us have used such Scriptures, such language, in similar ways.

* * *

So secondly, we might want to counter such violent polarisation by taking the side of peace. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers,’ says Jesus. What the world desperately needs, we tell ourselves, is peace. And peace must start with us.

Loving our enemies, we remember, includes ‘not bearing false witness’ about other people’s actions, experience, or positions. It includes looking for the best, for the humanity, in those with whom we might vehemently disagree. It means not equating marching for peace, or solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, with being pro-Hamas. It means not equating being Jewish with supporting the right for Israelis to have a secure state, and not equating either of those with supporting Netanyahu’s right-wing government and its state-sponsored violence and oppression.

As Palestinian Christian theologian Munter Isaac has put it:

‘peacemaking is not an easy task! It involves taking risks and listening to both sides of a conflict. It involves stepping into places that we might not feel comfortable in and meeting people who have been stigmatized by many, likely by us ourselves. To be peacemakers, we must engage the humanity of the other who is different than us. To be a peacemaker means we must cross to the other side of the wall.[2]

Or perhaps we might be drawn to the words of Jewish rabbi Irwin Keller from California, who wrote these words on October 17th, 2023, ten days after the terrifying Hamas attacks which murdered hundreds of Israelis, both soldiers and civilians.


Today I am taking sides.

I am taking the side of Peace.
Peace, which I will not abandon
even when its voice is drowned out
by hurt and hatred,
bitterness of loss,
cries of right and wrong.

I am taking the side of Peace
whose name has barely been spoken
in this winnerless war.

I will hold Peace in my arms,
and share my body’s breath,
lest Peace be added
to the body count.

I will call for de-escalation
even when I want nothing more
than to get even.
I will do it
in the service of Peace.

I will make a clearing
in the overgrown
thicket of cause and effect
so Peace can breathe
for a minute
and reach for the sky.

I will do what I must
to save the life of Peace.
I will breathe through tears.
I will swallow pride.
I will bite my tongue.
I will offer love
without testing for deservingness.

So don’t ask me to wave a flag today
unless it is the flag of Peace.
Don’t ask me to sing an anthem
unless it is a song of Peace.
Don’t ask me to take sides
unless it is the side of Peace.[3]

* * *

A third kind of remembering is to take the side of the oppressed. It remembers that Scripture talks a lot of peace – but also of justice. The two come together repeatedly, intimately entangled: peace and justice, justice and peace. Here’s Palestinian theologian Munter Isaac, again:

‘Peacemaking also involves standing on the side of justice and speaking truth to power, even when it may be that of our own people, religion, or nation. Shallow diplomacy and political correctness is not always the answer. … Peacemakers call injustices out by name and call out those who are oppressors. Now this is a difficult way! Those who want to follow this path have to leave their comfort zones. It is also a path that Jesus warned would bring persecution and trouble. But this is our testimony of faith.’[4]

Our Scriptures won’t let us say that ‘God doesn’t take sides’. Time and time again in the Bible, we’re told that God hears the cries of the oppressed – and speaks and acts for their liberation. God is not interested in peace, if it doesn’t come hand in hand with justice. Remember the words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu:

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”

In war and conflict, there are always victims on both sides – and God grieves with all who grieve… but both sides are not necessarily equally oppressed. Taking the side of justice is an invitation to look at the uneven distribution of power and vulnerability, and to look for the face of God in those suffering enforced vulnerability and oppression. This is an invitation too – especially for those of us who seem far removed from many of the conflicts of the world – for us to notice our own complicity in injustice, through the policies of our government, and the actions and investments of companies we use. The 1917 Balfour Declaration, for example, that led to the founding of the modern state of Israel, was itself a product of the violence of British colonialism, and the colonialist belief that we have the power to draw lines in the sand, and determine who gets to live where.

* * *

Which leads us into a fourth possible move: to remember that it so much of this is really complex. Remembering requires us to do hard work: remembering a much longer, more complex history. Like the work that the National Trust have been doing over the last few years, attending to the histories of their stately homes and their entanglements in imperialism and the slave trade. And similarly, remembering that the history of the state of Israel is intertwined with the Jewish people’s history of centuries of being on the receiving end of invasion and occupation, displacement and exile, and a violent antisemitism that culminated (but didn’t end) with the Nazi holocaust. Through such remembering, we begin to piece together a longer, more complex history beyond crude polarisations, acknowledging our own complicities, and paying careful attention to the way our past histories shape present conflicts.

But this, too, can be a risky move. It can too easily slip into disengagement, politically or emotionally, abstraction, or even paralysis, throwing our hands up in the air in bewilderment: ‘it’s all just too complicated!’.

This is where remembering the big, long, complex stories needs to go hand in hand with also remembering the small, human, personal stories within them. Remembering is about valuing and treasuring each and every human life; grieving each and every human life that has been lost or scarred. And, we are only just learning to add, countless other-than-human lives too.

In our remembering, we remember that war creates trauma. Trauma is a way of naming some of the ways in which our past is still ‘alive’ in our present, both individually and collectively. And how we respond to such trauma is crucial.

Disengagement or detachment is one response (what behavioural scientists label ‘flight’). Paralysis, or ‘freeze’, is another. Another response to trauma is to respond to violence and hatred with more violence and hatred (the ‘fight’ response): in facing up to the monster, in responding out of our traumatised experience and history, we risk turning into monsters in turn. And here, again, we need to take a deep breath.

Donald Nicholl (a Christian theologian, who spent much time in the 1980s studying & teaching in Jerusalem), said this:

“If your immediate spontaneous reaction – if the movement of your heart – upon hearing of some tragedy is an ideological one rather than a human one, then your heart has become corrupted and you should leave straight away and go on pilgrimage until it is cleansed.”[5]

I wonder what kind of pilgrimage we need to go on – each of us individually, and also collectively: as a church community together here, as a country, as a world. This kind of remembering is a way of facing the trauma, and trying to find a different response, to begin to break the seemingly-endless cycles of traumatising violence.

When the letter to the Ephesians tells us that Jesus has ‘broken down the dividing walls’ and the hostility that turns us into ‘us and them’… well that sounds good, doesn’t it? But remember how we’re told that ‘breaking down’ happens: ‘by his blood’, ‘in his flesh’, ‘in [his broken] body’, ‘through the cross’… This work of breaking down dividing walls is profoundly costly: and it costs nothing less than everything. We may say that ‘peace starts within ourselves’. And yes, there’s some truth in that. But it’s certainly not as simple as finding some tranquil centre within ourselves, from which we can then radiate peace to the world. Here’s Donald Nicholl (again):

“The task of the Christian is not to be neutral – but to be torn in two.”

Peace- and justice-seeking needs to start by letting the horrors of war, violence, division and hatred sink into our depths, and to be met there by the compassion of God, the suffering love of the crucified Christ. That is where our remembering needs to begin…

May God bless you with a restless discomfort

about easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships,

so that you may seek truth boldly and love deep within your heart.

May God bless you with holy anger
at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people,
so that you may tirelessly work for justice, freedom, and peace among all people.

May God bless you with the gift of tears
to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, or the loss of all that they cherish,
so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and transform their pain into joy.

May God bless you with enough foolishness
to believe that you really can make a difference in this world,
so that you are able, with God’s grace, to do what others claim cannot be done.

(A Franciscan Blessing)


[2] Munther Isaac, The Other Side of the Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope (IVP, 2020)

[4] Isaac, The Other Side of the Wall

[5] From a Facebook post by Revd Dr Richard Sudworth, 30th October 2023

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